The Story Of Agony Of F Block
Road Dug Up Again After Being Laid Freshly Within A Month
Massive Encroachments On Connecting Road-ends Make Our Lives Miserable
Why is there no co-ordination between various authorities ?? The road between E Block And F Block had been in a dilapidated condition for a long long time and at last the authorities took heed to the consistent request for carpeting of the road. But alas, the DJB has now dug up the road sides for laying pipes !! As usual , we all know, that after laying of the pipes, the ‘passing the buck’ game will start as to which authority should smoothen and re-carpet the dug up road !! The RWAs will again have to run from pillar to post requesting humbly for what is our right as a citizen to have. A smooth road to walk upon ? With arthritic knees , the senior citizens maneuver the potholes roads and non-existent pavements. The children run the risk of being hit by speeding vehicles while walking on roads instead of pavements and trying to avoid potholes. And why just children and senior citizens, all citizens have a right to safety !! The mother or father of the household also have a right to reach home safely without being hit by a vehicle or having sprained ones ankles or knees in the process of negotiating the indented roads.
Not to speak of the end of the road on the Kalkaji-Govindpuri side ! The roads that side are so much encroached that it is a nightmare to negotiate that end. The hoards of Banks that have come up and specially the corner bank is a big nuisance as the customers coolly park on the road leaving no space at times for a vehicle to pass by. To add to the agony, fruit vendors have eaten up the thin stretch after the pavement which is already filled up with cars. The fruit vendors had been made to go away sometime back, but they are back again encroaching so much of the road that somehow a vehicle can pass by scratching any other vehicle which is coming from the other side.
The illegal kabariwala at the corner, the presswala, the rajai maker all are sitting on the public road and our poor helpless lawmakers just look away and ignore these illegal activities!!!
And at another end , the road going towards Alaknanda is the corner juicewala where various kinds of encroachments and parkings occur making the entry to the block a veritable tussle. Life is a struggle for F Block residents!! Maybe in the near future some authority or councilor will take pity on us and get the two ends of our block somewhat clean and worthy by removing these illegal encroachments.
Right Efforts In The Right Direction!
By Jaya Ray (
RWA B &L had made a quiet entry into the buzzing brigade of RWAs of CR Park in January 2016. The lane covers the houses between B 272 to B 299 and L1-L6 opposite Nehru Apartments. In this one year, with baby steps, the association has grown to a mature adult having achieved certain very key milestones, including reconstructing the entire lane along with a brand new sewage system- a feat achieved for the first time, since the inception of the colony! The association in the past 1 year has worked with 6 civic bodies including PWD, DJB, MCD, SDMC, Horticulture Department, BSES. The lane now boasts of a brand new carpeted road, 2 gates, boom barriers and bright LED lights lighting up the entire lane. All these achievements were achieved on a clean slate with no expectation of any obligations! The association has gone one step ahead and has felicitated all the department heads and workers who worked with them through the year to spruce up the lane. This initiative was welcomed with overwhelmed reactions from the authorities who reportedly had not received such appreciation in their entire careers! Other RWAs can surely a leaf out of the book of the association which has shown that nothing is impossible with persistent and consistent efforts!
The association celebrated its 1st Anniversary celebrations, with overwhelming support and response from all the residents of the lane! The authorities work with the association on a regular basis. Just goes to show that nothing is impossible if the right efforts are made in the right direction.
" The Moral justification of Organ Donation and Organ Transplantation"
My P.HD Thesis Is A Challenging And Interesting Topic To Work Upon
By Samosri Hore (
A few months back from now, I had never visualised myself pursuing a PHD so soon. I had just completed my Masters in Philosophy from Lady Shri Ram college for Women, Delhi University and was intending to do M.Phil. But as the saying goes " A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it". Last year, the guidelines of Delhi University altered, and I suddenly got a golden opportunity to directly pursue PHD. My area of research is Bio-Ethics, specifically Medical Ethics. Under the vast field of Medical Ethics, the main issue I am working on is " The Moral justification of Organ Donation and Organ Transplantation" .
My main motive behind choosing this topic is to break the general stereotype of granting social science subjects as only being limited to theoretical application , lacking in practical application. Today Organ Transplantation is happening all over the world, and a lot of debate is going on regarding various moral issues which arise as a consequence of permitting organ transplantation and donation. The repercussions of it can also be vividly experienced. For example in the UK, all private organ transplants were banned in 2009. The Human Organ Transplantation Act of 1994 banned Organ Trade. Recently Sri Lanka Government has put a temporary ban on foreigners coming to Sri Lanka for kidney transplant. Thus through my research I intend to contribute to the vast ocean of knowledge both theoretically as well as practically. Presently, I am doing my PHD coursework which is compulsory for all PHD scholars to enhance their research skills. Apart from that I am also attending various seminars and workshops related to my area of research. Recently I got a prestigious opportunity to attend a workshop and also to give a small presentation at AIIMS. I hope this journey which I have taken up concludes on a successful note. I aspire to soar higher and conquer many milestones in future. I would like to express gratitude to my family and thank my supervisors for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to work under them. Also very importantly, I would like to give special thanks to my college teachers for their immense support and guidance throughout all these academic years which also motivated me to take up academics as my career.
More Reports
Sprucing Up Activities At CR Park! Residents Hoping For More Improvements: It is heartening to see the colony being spruced up through a galvanised momentum. The consistent and tenacious efforts of the area councillor Virender Kasana has surely borne very attractive fruits. The colony has been transformed into one of the most appreciated and envied areas in Delhi/NCR according to reports. Over the past 3 years , the entire canvas the colony has been transformed with road carpeting, spruced up parks and gardens, streets beaming with thousands of LED lights, water harvesting areas, tubewells, and the list goes on… Its extremely pleasing to the eye to see all the dustbins sporting a clean and swept up look! 20 open gyms and 25 set fibre jhoolas are expected to be installed across the colony. 3 Gazebos are being installed in parks. 54 poles of high mast lights are also on the anvil. Fresh new grass greets the eye in all the large grounds. Most unique is the concept of Herbal parks which are being constructed. A large sports complex has come up in J Block park which houses lawn tennis and badminton courts. The 4 markets are undergoing a complete facelift with new toilets, drainage systems, improved parking and walking areas. Efforts are being made to remove the ‘kabootar chowk’ and install an ornamental garden in its place to mitigate the menace of pigeons in the colony especially B Block.(inputs by Jaya Ray, 9871718921)
Holi Celebrations In D Block: Residents Welfare Association of D Block, celebrated Holi on 13th March at Ramakrishna Park popularly known as D Block Puja Ground with herbal gulal only. A large number of residents including Sr.Citizens, children and ladies participated in the celebrations. Residents poured colour on each other and welcomed the spring as it is believed that spring is full of colours. Children played with coloured water merrily. RWA senior members along with their all time favourite councillor Virerdra Kasana who happens to be resident of D-Block & Secretary Sujoy Ghosh with President Ramesh Sabharwal were present. RWA D-Block made an elaborate arrangements of various sweet dishes of traditional Gujia, Rabri and specially ordered Kachori from Bengali Market & purani dilli chandni chowk respectively .All residents greeted each other on this colourful day with joyful colours to mark the victory of virtue and goodness over evil. (inputs by Tapan Banerjee,9810073893,D- 681 C.R. Park)
May The Best Candidate Win : Chittaranjan Park is gearing up for the coming municipal elections. Last weekend, J and I Blocks organized a “Meet the Candidate” session with a familiar figure, Municipal Councillor and Congressman, Virendra Kasana. Residents of this area have observed Mr. Kasana’s efforts towards community development for many years. The IGL gas pipeline, which came to CR Park in 2009, is an example. Several public toilets have been constructed providing a necessary amenity for security staff, park malis and shopkeepers, at the same time ensuring more sanitary public spaces. Garbage dumps are no longer stinky eyesores, because fixed compactor machines transform over 30 tonnes of domestic trash every day, while wood chippers convert green waste into manure and compost. Colony parks have become verdant havens, where open gyms have been inaugurated for the benefit of youth and senior citizens alike. On a lighter note, Mr. Kasana is ever ready to wrap a gamcha over his lawyerly whites to serve bhog after a puja. Colony residents took this opportunity to grill Mr. Kasana over his plans for the future. He invited us to read his Facebook page, where his daily exertions are available for all to see .We look forward to similar opportunities, to meet the aspirants from BJP and AAP and to hear about their vision for community improvement. With less than a month to go for the municipal elections, it would help us make an informed choice at the votings next month. May the best candidate win! (input by Chitra Sarkar, J Block 011-26278186)
Unpaved & Encroached Back Lane Of J Block ( J 1975-1985) : An earnest request to the authorities with folded hands, please get our back lane paved and encroachment free !! We all know that a major problem of blocking back-lanes is that in times of fire in the front lane you cannot escape using the back-lane if it encroached upon and not in a good condition. Neighbouring colonies have already faced this fire safety hazard and still we are not being provided with a safe back lane ! Do we not deserve a neat and clean paved back lane ? , wonder the residents. Their request has fallen on deaf ears for a long time now and they have started to lose hope of having their back lane cleaned up. Hence, through this column of Samvada, the residents send their request for getting their back lane cleared and spruced up.(inputs by Supriya Sharma, J Block)
E Block Celebrates Holi: Holi was celebrated on 13th March, 2017 in Ornamental Park E Block with full festive fervour. The turnout was good and everybody enjoyed Holi delicacies and snacks. We thank the residents for participating and making the celebration a grand success.(Pankaj Babal, Jt Secy,9810028165,RWA E Block)
Avanti Sarada Day:‘Avanti Sarda Children’s Library’ Day was observed with much gaiety and enthusiasm at the Bhavan premises. To mark this occasion, an ‘On The Spot Painting Competition’ for children in five different age-groups was arranged in which 139 children participated. Besides giving prizes to the award winners in all the categories, there were participation prizes for all the contestants. The celebrations rounded off with an impressive music-cum-dance recital by Manasi Dutta and her troupe.
Book Release Function:Under the aegis of the Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Memorial Society and Sansaptak Theatre Group, a book release function was organised at the Bhavan auditorium on 11th March 2017. ‘Nidaya Sansarer Galpo’ – anthology of Bengali short stories penned by Torit Mitra, the eminent playwright and theatre personality was formally launched by Dr. Kalyan Kumar Chakravarti, former Secretary, Govt. of India. The author’s ability to reel out real-life stories from the mundance existence of ordinary mortals came in for fulsome praise from the galaxy of speakers drawn from different walks of life. On this occasion, his students also fondly recalled the innovative theatrical skills of their mentor.
Book Reading Session: The Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Memorial Society and ‘Ek Ebong Dos Literary Group’ hosted a book reading session at the Members’ Lounge, Chittaranjan Bhavan on 12th March, 2017. The event was marked by a lively discussion and thought- provoking interaction with a packed house on the recently launched historical narrative ‘Attendant Lords’ by T. C. A. Raghavan, former High Commisioner to Pakistan. Besides the author, Jayanta Ghoshal, the eminent Bengali scribe, Jayanta Roy Chowdhury, General Secretary, DCMS and Himadri Dutta, Dehli-based Bengali poet were present on the occasion. The ‘Book Reading and Discussion’ session shed new light on hitherto unknown facets of the illustrious father-son duo of the Mughal Court – Bairam Khan and Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khanan. The soulful rendition of a Rahim couplet by Kaushiki Deb at the beginning of the programme left a deep, abiding impression on the assembled gathering and set the tone for the evening discussion.
Blood Donation Camp:The Society in association with the Rotaract Club of Sri Aurobindo College organised a blood donation camp in the Bhavan premises on 19th March, 2017. The camp received an overwhelming response with 26 voluntary donors donating blood for a noble cause. Prior to the blood donation, the potential donors had to undergo a thorough medical check-up of vital parameters viz. weight, blood pressure, haemoglobin count etc. Beside a certificate of recognition, the donors were given gifts and light refreshments.
Tripura Governor at Bhavan :Tathagata Roy, the Hon’ble Governor of Tripura visited the Bhavan premises on 26th March, 2017. An eminent engineer-cum-author, Shri Roy was accorded a warm welcome by Dr. Arup Roy Choudhury, President, Jayanta Roy Chowdhury, General Secretary and other office bearers of the Society. Afterwards, a small civic reception was held in his honour. Dr. Ananda Mukherjee and Dr. Pradip Majumdar, President and Secretary of Kali Mandir Society were also present at the function. Later Shri Roy visited the ‘Healthcare Centre’, Members’ Lounge and the Library in the Bhavan Complex. Wishing godspeed to the Bhavan in its future endeavours, he lavished fulsome praise on the efficient upkeep and functioning of the healthcare centre and the impressive & vast array of books of different genre in the library.
Literary Symposium:A literary symposium on the life and times of Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay, the celebrated Bengali Novelist was organised in the Members’ Lounge in the Bhavan premises on 26th March, 2017. It was a trip down memory lane as the veteran publisher Sabitendra Nath Roy (popularly called Bhanubabu) recalled his fond association with the celebrated author, the admiration of Nirad C. Chaudhuri for Bibhutibhushan and the latter’s relationship with contemporary novelists. Trinankur Banerjee, the novelist’s grandson offered a rare visual treat of the letters, jottings and family pics of the celebrated author. Poet Himadri Dutta reminisced about the eternal debate on the greatness of the film ‘Pather Panchali’ vis-a-vis the literary masterpiece. The entire programme was moderated by Goutam Hore, the Bengali scribe and the vote of thanks was offered by Bikash Biswas, the veteran editor.
April 06, 2017

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